GALLERY | Hot and Steamy gets off to a cracking start
Day one of the inaugural Hot and Steamy Festival kicked off yesterday with the Salsa Bar & Grill Taste In The Tropics lunch.
Special guests MP Warren Entsch and Douglas Shire Mayor Julia Leu were there to open the LGBTQI festival, welcoming the boost to tourism during the quietest time of the year.
A full house attended and enjoyed a three-course lunch at salsa, highlighting regional produce and outstanding weather, living up to the festival’s name.
Hundreds then flocked to the sugar wharf for the Sunset T-Dance to party the night away entertained by DJs and a performance by showgirl star Millie Minogue.
The night was topped off by an after-party at Jimmy Rums.
Day two of the festival gets underway tonight for the Hello Sailor! Dance Party and Zinc's Get Lei'd Luau.
GALLERY | Check out all the action below: All images Rick Moyer.

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