Funding up for grabs for creatives

A share of more than $500,000 in funding is up for grabs and art and culture organisations in the Douglas Shire and across Far North Queensland are invited to apply for art projects at festivals and significant one-off community celebrations.
Federal Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch is encouraging organisations to apply for the next round of Festivals Australia funding.
He said Festivals Australia funds arts projects including parades, performances, workshops and installations to promote community engagement at local festivals in regional and remote Australia.
The Port Shorts Film Festival as well as the Tablelands Folk Festival and Yarrabah Music and Cultural Festival are just some of the festivals in the region that has received funding in previous rounds.
“Festivals are a highlight on the community calendar for people of all ages in many communities across Far North Queensland,” Mr Entsch said
“Through Festivals Australia funding, local artists and organisations can deliver projects that enhance local events with arts and cultural experiences that tell local stories and explore who we are.”
Federal Arts Minister Paul Fletcher said the government was committed to providing opportunities to share and explore Australian stories and identity through the arts.
“Arts projects funded by Festivals Australia provide valuable opportunities for local artists to come together to share their works, and are a drawcard for tourists and local economies,” he said.
Applications close on Sunday, 22 March 2020 at 5pm.
For further information and to apply visit:
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