Far Northern Milling to present vision for Daintree Bio Precinct

Far Northern Milling Pty Ltd, owners of the Mossman Mill, will lay out their vision for the Daintree Bio Precinct at the Douglas Business Expo next month.
The sugarcane growers co-operative has joined the list of keynote speakers who will present to the business sector at the Port Douglas Community Hall on Friday 6 March.
Far Northern Milling, who took over the Mossman Mill from Mackay Sugar last year, will present an update on their works and invite questions from the floor.
The vision for the Daintree Bio Precinct is to locate a suite of environmentally sustainable bio-projects value adding the Mill’s feedstock (sugarcane, syrup, sugar, bagasse & molasses).
They also hope to create employment to underpin the sustainability of the Mossman Mill and surrounding communities.
Douglas Chamber of Commerce President Liz Ross said the inclusion of Far Northern Milling was a great coup for the Douglas Business Expo.
“Sugarcane is such an important sector for our local economy,” she said.
“We are very keen to hear about any opportunities with the Daintree Bio Precinct and look forward to finding out more about how their business will develop.”
The Douglas Business Expo is a collaborative event organised by Douglas Chamber of Commerce and Douglas Shire Council to exchange knowledge and ideas for regional business.
Douglas Shire Mayor Julia Leu encouraged the business sector to register for the free event.
“The Douglas Business Expo will put local businesses and Chamber members in the very best position to leverage employment and economic opportunities,” she said.
Other keynote speakers at the Douglas Business Expo include:
• Maree Adshead - Queensland Small Business Champion
• Timothy Hortz - Project Manager, Department of Innovation and Tourism Industry Development
• Robert Sobrya - Construction Skills Queensland
• Ross Hodgman - District Director Far North – Transport & Main Roads
Event details:
• Date: Friday, 6 March 2020
• Time: 7:00 am – 11:00 am
• Where: Port Douglas Community Hall, Mowbray St, Port Douglas, QLD 4877
• 7am - Registration Open
• 7.30am - Networking and Trade Booth Expo
• 8.30am - Welcome to Country & opening of event.
Register now to attend or present a trade booth for the Douglas Business Expo 2020.
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