Cyclone predicted to develop in the Gulf over the weekend

The Bureau of Meteorology is forecasting a high chance of a cyclone forming in the Gulf of Carpentaria over the weekend with heavy rain predicted to hit the Douglas Shire as a result of the system.
A broad area of low pressure lies over the northern Gulf of Carpentaria as a monsoon trough develops.
According to the Bureau, a weak tropical low located over the central Gulf of Carpentaria has recently begun to show early signs of development.
The system is likely to develop into a tropical cyclone during either Saturday night or Sunday morning.
The low is currently slow-moving, though it is expected to move towards the south-southwest during the weekend.
Communities in the Cape have been warned to prepare for heavy rain and potentially damaging winds as it develops.
The Douglas Shire and the North Tropical Coast can also expect heavy showers from the monsoonal burst caused by the system over the weekend.
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