Cash up for grabs for local artists

Budding local artists have the opportunity to apply for the Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) with applications now open.
RADF is a partnership between state and local governments which invests in quality arts and cultural experiences across Queensland based on locally determined priorities.
RADF promotes the role and value of arts, culture and heritage as key drivers to support diversity and inclusivity; grow strong regions; and provide training, education and employment opportunities for Queensland artists and local communities.
Council is calling on potential applicants to come and learn how they can get their hands on the funding at an information session next week.
A public information session for potential applicants will be held at the Council building at 11:00 am in Mossman on Wednesday, 12 February.
Douglas Shire Mayor Julia Leu said Council’s RADF program promoted arts, culture and heritage as key community development drivers.
“RADF supports diversity and inclusivity in Douglas Shire while promoting the creativity in our arts community,” she said.
“We have seen some really powerful projects receive funding and flourish such as the successful Call of the Running Tide festival held in Port Douglas last year.
“This is another really exciting opportunity for local artists to get that financial kick start to turn their creative visions into a reality.”
Previous projects recently supported by the RADF include public artworks, creative workshops, career development for artists, research and development of literary works.
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