Car and motorbike collide near Mowbray


Karlie Brady


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The accident occurred at the corner of Captain Cook Highway and Trezise road. Image: Karlie Brady.


A female in her 50s has sustained significant injuries to her leg and arm following an incident involving a motorbike and a car earlier this afternoon.

Paramedics have transported the woman by road to Cairns Base Hospital in a stable condition.

Emergency services are no longer on the scene.


A motorbike and a car have collided at the intersection of Captain Cook Highway and Trezise road near Mowbray this afternoon.

Emergency services were called to the accident at 1:37pm. 

Three ambulances are currently on scene treating a female in her 50s for leg and arm injuries. QFES are on scene assisting paramedics.

Traffic is backed up and is slowly being directed around the scene by police. Drivers are urged to exercise caution in the area.

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