$5,000 Chamber funding to be recommended

A request for Douglas Chamber of Commerce funding may come to fruition at Tuesday’s open council meeting, where it will be recommended that Council provides a grant of 5,000.00 for operational assistance.
Council papers advise the Douglas Chamber of Commerce (DCC) is an important industry association within the Douglas Shire.
“Members include business across the Shire. The DCC needs urgent operational funding in order to continue its promotional activities. It is recommended that funds be used from Council’s Grants Program in order to support the activities of the DCC,” it says.
If approved, the grant – which pales in comparison to the more than $480,000 Tourism Port Douglas Daintree receives from Council's budget to support the delivery of activities by TPDD to support tourism in the Shire – may be seen as a small victory for the Chamber.
At a Think Tank in Mossman late last year, long-time Chamber member Martin Tranter argued the case for Council funding to the audience, which included Mayor Julia Leu.
Speaking in advance of the Council meeting, Chamber president Liz Ross said she is thankful Council is considering the grant.
“For the Chamber to deliver in terms of the basic function of networking, and with regard to organising events, breakfasts and the huge expectations of business in terms of the Chamber delivering on these events, business fails to realize that it is being conducted by volunteers.
“Volunteers who give their expertise freely through their time, energy and enthusiasm in the face of apathy. The injection of funds from Council at this time for the Douglas Chamber is immense and we are thankful.
“To give just one example of the criticism we face; we are constantly challenged about paying the membership amount of $95.00, with the question: what does that do? Even in these tough times, $95.00 for a year is a small price to pay for what can be a business tax deduction.
“Well, many hands make light work. If we were a football team and we had no coach or trainer, we would not be happy. But we have volunteers, so why are people so critical? For the Chamber to work and support the interests of business and business owners we need people to support us, not demean us.
“Therefore, I hope Council does deliver on this injection,” said Ms Ross.
Meanwhile, Council enters caretaker mode on 22 February in preparation for the local election on Saturday 28 March.
Open Council meeting
Tuesday, 11 February 2020, 10am
1. Council sponsorship prospectus
2. Safe places emergency accommodation program grant application
3. Amended local laws 2020
4. Council policies for adoption
5. March council meeting change of date
6. Declaration of sewer and water service areas within Douglas Shire
7. Water and wastewater quarterly report for period ending 31 December 2019
8. Monthly financial report for January 2020
9. Concept plan for Lot 83 SR596 Cape Tribulation Rd, Kimberley
10. Douglas Chamber of Commerce funding
11. Operational plan progress report for October to December 2019
12. CEO report for October to December 2019
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