Popular Port Douglas kindy educator ‘Ms Donna’ retires

Port Douglas C & K Community Kindergarten will today farewell popular co-educator Donna Staunton, better known as Ms Donna to the kids, as she heads off into retirement.
For the past 16 years, Ms Donna has seen countless children pass through the kindergarten, becoming a favourite amongst her students and families.
And she says it is those connections she has enjoyed the most.
“Working with the people I have worked with and all the wonderful kids in the area,” she said.
Ms Donna said she will certainly miss the job, especially the ‘ah-ha’ look on the children’s faces when they figure something out.
“I will really miss the interactions with the kids and families.”
So, what’s next for Ms Donna? She says she is looking forward to spending more time with her own family.
“Enjoying retirement with my grandkids and my husband; travelling and having time for us,” she said.
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Kindergarten Director, Melanie Aavik, presented Ms Donna with a certificate of appreciation, as a number of past students and families turned out to farewell her.
“Donna will be very much missed,” she said.
“She is like the glue that has held this service together for many years, and she has seen many changes over her time.
“And many families have sent all of their children through here just to be with Donna,” Ms Aavik said.
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