Police urge residents not to drink then get behind the wheel


As we eagerly limp out of 2020 local Law Enforcement want to ensure we don’t start 2021 as a serious or fatal road statistic.

Port Douglas Police Sergeant, Damian Meadows, said so far the Douglas Shire has done reasonably well over the Christmas period, with only some significant drunk drivers detected, which is very disappointing.

With State and National campaigns, a long way from being finished Police will continue to be out in force.
“People can expect to be pulled over; they can expect to see police out on the roads in numbers.

“We will be concentrating on the fatal five – drink and drug driving, speeding, seatbelt, driving while distracted which means your mobile phone and fatigue.

“These will all be enforced stringently,” said Sergeant Meadows.

The holiday season is cause for celebration, no matter how you plan to pop the cork into the New Year one thing remains the same – this time of year it is vital you remain safe on the roadways.

“The Christmas and New Year period is obviously a bad time because there are so many people on the roads moving to go see friends and relatives.

“It’s also a time when people tend to drink a little bit in excess and make bad decisions and as a result the risk of serious and fatal traffic accidents increases sufficiently,” warns Sergeant Meadows.

Before you become a statistic or something far worse, have a plan.

“There is public transport around although it might take you a bit longer tonight to get from A to B take your time plan ahead arrange for someone to pick you up who hasn’t been drinking.

“If you’re out there and you’re going to have a drink, even just one drink don’t risk it, it’s not worth your life, it’s not worth your job, it’s not worth your license,” said Sergeant Meadows.

With recent rain and the onset of the wet season Police also warn residents to drive to suit the conditions and most importantly if it’s flooded, forget it.

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