ON THE COUNCIL AGENDA: two-ferry option preferred

The hotly debated issue regarding the Daintree River crossing is a key item in Tuesday’s ordinary Council meeting – the last for the year – and it has been recommended that Council resume contract negotiations for 2019 (Daintree Ferry contract 2021).
According to Council, there was a clear majority of people who preferred the two-ferry option over a bridge.
“Although the pattern varied, there is clear preference for two ferries across all categories e.g. residents, non-resident ratepayers, those who live north of the river and people who do not live in the shire or own property here.
“Preferences are divided on this question of whether the ferry ticket or bridge tool should cover costs or generate revenue for Council. As a general observation, people living in the shire, particularly those living north of the Daintree River are in favour delivering revenue to Council. Those who do not live in the shire, favour covering costs.”
A two-ferry service was preferred across all groups.
In response to which Daintree crossing the community preferred, the total compliant responses [3409] preferred a ferry by 2:1:
• 66% two ferries
• 33% bridge
• 1% no response
Council is in receipt of a development application for a Material Change of Use for a Retirement facility on land located at 111-119 Port Douglas Road, Port Douglas.
The retirement facility is proposed as an over-50s residential community with a mix of indoor and outdoor communal leisure facilities. The site will remain as a single title and the operation of the facility will be run by a single operator in accordance with the Manufactured Homes (Residential Parks) Act 2003.
The residents will enter into a site agreement with the operator of the facility that covers rental of the house site and use of the facility’s common areas and communal facilities.
Councillors will vote on the recommendation that the application is approved subject to conditions.
The meeting will also debate the issue of entering into a funding agreement with the State of Queensland (represented by the Department of Transport and Main Roads) under the Cycle Network Local Government Grants Program for the Cooya to Mossman Stage 2 construction; and contribute 50% towards the total project cost for the project, to be allocated in the 2021-2022 Budget.
In December 2019 Council submitted a funding application for Stage Two of the route to construct 2.6 kilometres of 3 metre wide, off-road shared path from Junction Bridge, along Bonnie Doon Road to the Cooya Beach Road intersection and finishing at the intersection of Bonnie Doon Road and Melaleuca Drive.
Council has been offered $1.25 million funding for this Stage Two project.
Classifieds: Community Calendar
Tourism Port Douglas Daintree’s (TPDD) annual report for 2019/20 will be tabled.
“While the border closures and travel restrictions of 2020 has made the past six months a devastating time for the tourism industry, and TPDD has been greatly affected by funding and structural changes, destination marketing and advocacy remain important activities to support economic development in the Douglas Shire.
“The July to September 2020 Quarterly Activity Report shows TPDDs role has adapted to the changing environment, placing greater emphasis on advocacy and industry support while embracing marketing opportunities to drive economic recovery for the Douglas Shire,” according to Council documents.
Agenda for Ordinary Council meeting on Tuesday, 15 December 2020, at 10am
- Daintree River Crossing – Community Consultation Results
- Material Change of Use for Retirement Facility at 111-119 Port Douglas Road
- Minor Change to Development Approval for Seafood Van at 11 Warner Street
- Application to change MCUC Short Term Accommodation and Ancillary facilities at 20 Warner St Port Douglas
- Cycle Network Local Government Grants Program 2020-21 – Cooya to Mossman Stage 2 Construction
- Douglas Hockey Association Inc. – Trustee Permit Part of Lot 92 SR81 Mossman
- Application for permanent road closure over esplanade adjacent to Lot 2 RP 724386 Port Douglas
- Financial Report November 2020
- Tourism Port Douglas Daintree Annual and Quarterly Reports for noting
- Contract 2021-048 Killaloe Transfer Station – Resource Recovery Centre
- Amendment declaration of Sewer and Water Service Areas within Douglas Shire
- Contractual Matter – Ultra Filtration Cartridges for Water Quality
The meeting will be closed to the general public because of health and safety reasons associated with the public health emergency involving COVID-19, however Council is trialling a randomised drawing system to allow eight members of the public to attend. Those who wish to attend must complete a registration form here. CEO Mark Stoermer will randomly draw names via a live stream at Council's Facebook Page at 3pm on Monday 14 December.
The Ordinary Council meeting will be live-streamed online and an audio of the meeting will be available on the Council Website at the time the minutes are made available.
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