Mobile phone towers to get welcome boost

Mobile phone towers in Cape Tribulation and Whyanbeel will be able to keep operating longer if the power goes out during or after natural disasters.
The Morrison Government is funding Telstra and Optus to extend the battery back-up at three mobile phone towers in Cairns and Far North Queensland.
This means each tower will have a minimum of 12 hours of back-up power.
Federal Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch said extending the battery life of the mobile phone towers would increase telecommunications resilience across his electorate.
Classifieds: Community calendar
“The Morrison Government is investing in battery back-up to keep mobile phone towers operating longer when the power goes out during or after natural disasters,” Mr Entsch said.
“This includes towers in Cairns (Hutchinson St), Cape Tribulation and Whyanbeel.
“This is a great result for our region and residents especially as we head into the wet season.”
Federal Communications Minister Paul Fletcher said telecommunications, including mobile phone towers, need reliable power sources to operate.
He said the government is providing a total of $13.2 million to Telstra, Optus and TPG to extend the battery back up at 467 mobile phone towers across Australia, under stage one of the program.
“Telecommunications – including mobile phone towers – rely on power to operate,” Mr Fletcher said.
“This investment will allow mobile phone towers to keep operating for at least 12 hours after the power goes out, making a real difference for communities during and after a natural disaster.”
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