Mayor’s Christmas Appeal surpasses $10,000 goal

The Christmas spirit has shone bright with Douglas residents digging deep to help those in need over the festive season by eclipsing the $10,000 goal for the Mayor Christmas Appeal.
The community fundraising effort hit a total of $10,837 at today’s official count surpassing the ambitious $10,000 set by Mayor Michael Kerr in his inaugural appeal.
Mayor Kerr said he was taken back by the fantastic response.
Classifieds: Douglas Shire Public Notices and Council Notices
“I am so incredibly proud of everyone involved and their immense generosity during this appeal,” he said.
Huge efforts from Douglas Meals on Wheels, led by Loretta Zammataro, Jabalbina, and Salsa Bar & Grill, which hosted the first Mayor’s Christmas Lunch, along with generous donations from Hatfield Electrical, Far Northern Milling, Rotary Club, Live Life Pharmacy, Zammataro Plumbing, and members of the community helped to reach the large total.
- GALLERY | community comes together for mayor’s first Christmas charity lunch
“Salsa Bar and Grill played a significant role, helping us raise thousands of dollars at their sell-out fundraising event, while Douglas Meals On Wheels did some old fashion raffle ticket selling at the Mossman Exchange Hotel.
“Every dollar raised is more valuable than ever before and will go towards buying essential items for those people and families who would not have enjoyed a festive season this year.”
Donation bins will remain around the Douglas Shire in the lead up to Christmas.
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