COVID-19 made me more determined, says mayor kerr

Best described as unprecedented and tumultuous, this is a year many can’t wait to end.
COVID-19 has impacted the Douglas Shire with job losses, businesses closing and impacting the tourism industry.
In this Q&A, Douglas Shire Mayor Michael Kerr looks back on 2020 and forward to 2021, along with other observations.
It's been a tumultuous year since you took office. Has this made you stronger and more determined as we continue the COVID-19 pandemic?
Absolutely. COVID-19 has made me even more determined to make sure as many people survive through this. I knew it was going to be hard, but it’s worth it when you see the successes.
What would you list as your Top 5 successes since assuming the role of Mayor?
The shire’s presentation; confidence in the region; transparent and honest communication with the rate payers; creating a council that is here to solve problems; bringing an economic importance back to the shire.
What are your priorities for 2021?
2020 has been about getting out of COVID-19 and preparing for the future. 2021 will be when we really start to deliver on many of the projects that we have been working on: economic growth, employment and infrastructure.
Do you think we will eventually see the Marina re-development?
I really hope so. There is a new confidence in our shire, which you can see from the amount of projects that are coming through and being announced. In four to five years we will be a thriving tourism destination once more and I hope that Crystalbrook will be a part of that journey with us.
It's been observed that development and proposed development has returned to the shire. What's your philosophy in this regard?
Confidence in the Shire. It’s important for investors to believe that they will get a return for their investment and that means what they are building is needed and wanted. It’s important to encourage those developers rather than the ones that come forward with the same, same mentality.
Do you feel you have the support of the four Councillors and able to achieve some, if not all, of your objectives?
Only a crystal ball could answer that. Each councillor was elected by the community for their beliefs and reasons. At each council meeting something always surprises me. I like that all councillors are diverse in their own rights and come from different backgrounds. It brings a balanced approach to the meetings.
What do you believe are the major challenges in the shire?
The ‘that’s how we have always done it mentality’. Times change, people change, wants change. What was perfectly right 10 years ago might not be now. Being progressive in our own way is so important if we don’t want to be swallowed up by one of the fastest growing cities in the world which is 70 km down the road.
By all accounts, home buyers are again looking at Port Douglas and there is a surge in speedy sales. Do you share this sentiment?
Absolutely, and it’s fantastic to see the want for people to de-urbanise and move to areas such as ours. This will only help boost our economic position as we move forward in a post COVID-19 world.
You undertake a number of volunteer roles, eg Paws and Claws. How do you divide your time?
Skillfully. There are times when I shake my head and ask myself the same question, but both the theatre and Paws and Claws are passions not work, so you find time as it’s enjoyable.
What's your end-of-year message to shire residents?
Thank you for your resilience and support through 2020. I hope that you all get to enjoy some time with loved ones which many of us have missed this year, have a wonderful festive season and a safe, happy and most importantly healthy New Year.
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