Level one water restrictions now in effect across Douglas Shire


Level one water restrictions have come into effect across the Douglas shire today as water intake levels continue to drop due to low amounts of rainfall in 2020.

The Rex Creek intake level continues to drop towards 300mm with no significant rainfall predicted for September.

For comparison, the intake level was 500mm at this time last year and dropped to its lowest below 100mm, during Level three water restrictions in December last year.

Residents are encouraged to implement water wise strategies in the home and backyard starting by restricting sprinkler use in the garden to three days per week only.

Douglas Shire Mayor Michael Kerr said more targeted water usage in the backyard was a great way for the public to play their part in managing demand for the limited water supplies.

“We would like everyone to water in the early morning or late afternoon, on your designated day, as a way to reduce demand over the next few weeks,” he said.

“The Bureau of Meteorology is predicting an early onset of the wet season which means if we are water wise now, we could be in a great position later in the year.”

Level one water restrictions only allow the use of sprinklers and irrigation systems on alternate days, between 6:00am to 8:00am and 6:00pm and 8:00pm.

EVEN-numbered houses or no prescribed street number: Wed, Fri, Sun
ODD-numbered houses: Tue, Thu, Sat

Sprinklers and irrigation systems cannot be used on Mondays under Level one Water Restrictions.

Mayor Kerr will discuss water security with Queensland Minister for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy, Dr Anthony Lynham, in Cairns tomorrow.

“Council is working through improvements to our water security with the approval for a second intake near Mossman currently going through the State Government,” he said.

“We are also progressing a feasibility study into a larger raw water storage site and planning to roll out smart water meters to improve efficiencies in finding leaks.”

For more information about water restrictions visit Council's website.

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