New deputy mayor appointed as councillors are sworn in
New Councillor Lisa Scomazzon was today unanimously elected the Douglas Shire Council’s Deputy Mayor during the Declaration of Office ceremony in Mossman today.
During the ceremony, Cr Scomazzon along with Councillors Peter McKeown, Abigail Noli and Roy Zammataro were all officially sworn into office by Council CEO Mark Stoermer, joining Mayor Michael Kerr who was sworn in on Sunday.
Cr Scomazzon, who received the most votes during the election, said she was keen to get started.
“I am really proud to hold the position as Deputy Mayor and look forward to working with my fellow Councillors for the next four years,” she said.
“Thank you to the Douglas Shire community for putting their trust in me.”

In his first mayoral address, Douglas Shire Mayor Michael Kerr said the new team presented a good balance for the region.
“I believe the shire should be pleased with the new team of Councillors they have chosen to represent them,” he said.
“We will work effectively and united to ensure that Douglas will be a better place to live, invest and visit, right through these trying times due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
“I am humbled and honoured to be given the opportunity to serve as Mayor for the next four years.
“It would also be remiss of me not to thank our outgoing mayor for her many years of devoted service that she gave to this region. I always observed Julia as a dedicated and hardworking mayor and I wish her all the best for the future,” he said.
Due to COVID-19 social distancing restrictions, the usually public meeting was conducted behind closed doors, however, Council did live stream the event on its Facebook page so that the public could join in.

Mayor Kerr said that it was unfortunate that family and community members could not be in attendance but was a necessary social distancing measure.
Upon swearing in the new Council, Mr Stoermer said that when it is safe to move away from social distancing measures Council would like to properly celebrate the important occasion publicly.
“It’s important that we do celebrate property once we can do that but it is also very important you get sworn in as quickly as possible to get on with the business of Council,” he said.
In the post-election statutory meeting, Mayor Kerr became the Chairman of the Douglas Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG), while Cr Noli retained her position as Deputy Chair.
Council also resolved to hold Ordinary Council Meetings on the last Tuesday of every month.
The next meeting with be held at 10:00am on Tuesday, 28 April.
View the Council swearing in ceremony and post-election statutory meeting below:
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