Create a Street Bank to help your neighbours
Residents of the Douglas Shire are being urged to get involved in a Street Bank to lend a helping hand to their neighbours during COVID-19.
This community-run initiative encourages streets to pool resources and support those in need, especially seniors or neighbours with medical conditions.
Douglas Shire Council’s People and Community Services Manager, Terry Farrelly, said your neighbours could be vulnerable and may not be getting the help they need at this time.
“It’s times like these that being a ‘good neighbour’ can have a profound effect on those in your community,” he said.
“Starting a Street Bank in your street is a positive way to establish a connection with those who live closest to you, allowing everyone to coordinate support for those who need it most.
“It takes just one street coordinator to make a Street Bank and a good neighbourhood to make it a reality.”
A Street Bank gives neighbourhoods the tools to create connectivity and identify which neighbours might need help and those available to help them, whilst still maintaining social distancing rules.
Get involved:
You can nominate yourself as a Street Bank coordinator by registering online.
You can then print out flyers (available here) and drop them in your neighbour’s letterboxes to see who is interested.
More information and resources are available here.
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