Travelling author visits Douglas Shire in search of inspiration



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Author Jenn J. McLeod will be in Mossman this weekend with the purple and white caravan she calls Myrtle the Turtle. Image: Supplied.

Australia’s nomadic author, Jenn J. McLeod, is coming to the Douglas Shire in search of new characters and stories to inspire her writing.

Since 2013 she’s had five novels published and is touring the country to champion her Paddock to Print philosophy.

Ms McLeod believes in visiting bookshops and libraries across regional Australia to encourage readers to support home-grown storytellers.

“For years some manufacturing sectors have been telling us to ‘Buy Australian-made’ so I thought, why not inspire people to buy (or borrow) home-grown stories over those imported, big-name books?” she said.

“Tell me what you like to read and I’ll tell you an Aussie author whose stories are just as compelling, as heart-warming, or as funny.”

She said she loves discovering new people and places that inspire her to write and she is looking forward to seeing what the Douglas Shire has to offer.

“Sometimes my work requires I sit in one place for a while to focus,” she said.

“But sometimes I need to play. Port Douglas sounded like a great destination and Mossman Library was so welcoming when I contacted.”

Ms McLeod’s heartwarming tales of Australian country life weave intricate tapestries of friendship, family, love and contemporary issues.

Readers who enjoy novels in the style of Monica McInerney, Mauve Binchy and Di Morrisey, will enjoy her books.

She hit the literary scene with a four-book Simon and Schuster deal and was immediately praised for her authentic and relatable characters and sense of landscape.

She finds inspiration for both by travelling to new places, earning her the title of Australia’s Nomadic Novelist.

“I want every book to be a journey—for me and my readers," she said

Ms Mcleod will be meeting readers and writers at a free event at the Mossman Library on Saturday, 14 September from 10.00am where she’ll share some of her publishing journeys.

To book a spot at the session or to find out more call 07 4099 9496

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