REAL ESTATE | Snap up the Big Barra and get hooked on FNQ
It may not be as well-known as the Big Banana or Big Pineapple but the Big Barra in Daintree Village is big in the hearts of all visitors and locals and is the main presence to all who visit.
This pearl of a property, built in 1870 on the wave of the cedar timber industry is encircled by the natural jewels of the World Heritage listed Daintree Rainforest, Tropical Wetlands and the Great Barrier Reef.
It is this unique enclave of the world that tourists flock to every year.
As timber turned to tourism the Big Barra not only served tourist goodies of Barra, Roo and Croc burgers, but the Museum and Timber Gallery, with wood turners in the workshop, gave visitors an idea of the history of the area. The Big Barra was THE centre of the tourism industry in Daintree Village.
At the end of the street the croc, wildlife and bird tours leave to head out along the Daintree River. Passing through are the 4 x 4ers grabbing their last supplies and a good feed before venturing on to drive the CREB track to Wujal Wujal– one of the most demanding off-road tracks in the country.
Some come to visit the local waterfalls, while many are visiting on their way to Cape Tribulation.
Even the tables in the restaurant have become their own tourist attraction, as one Trip Advisor reviewer commented “The covered but unairconditioned seating area features what are probably Australia's most high-quality casual picnic benches; check them out if you are in the area”.
The Big Barra has its own riches to offer with its varied revenue streams and vast potential.
Seats over 80 people.
The restaurant holds current Food Business Licence which includes a yearly inspection.
There is a grease trap that a local company empties regularly. The kitchen is on mains electric. There is a walk-in cold room and a selection of fridges and freezers (included in the sale).
Tour Kiosk
Can be used as a bar or a tour information desk
Room for 12 market stalls (was used to house the Daintree Markets). The workshop is a large iron shed with timber poles, power points at each pole and large double doors. There is also a kitchen area a large walk in pantry/storage area.
The Gallery and Shop
At present it is one expansive space but could easily be divided (both with air conditioning). The retail area is on a separate power metreage.
The options are only as limited as your imagination! This is a rare chance to buy a famous local icon and build a vibrant and profitable business or buy and lease out (Ray White can manage) in one of the most beautiful places in the world.

You can view the Big Barra on 4 October and 12 October between 10.00-11.00 am and on 19 October (pre auction) at 9.00am.
If you can’t make the open viewings readers can take a virtual tour.
Interested parties are advised the the Auction is date is 19 October at 10.00 am at the Big Barra (12 Stewart Street, Daintree Village). Pre-auction offers are invited.
Full property details on available at the Ray White Website
For Auction pre-registration for and further property information contact:
Rosie Wang
0425 345 771
Jenna Chamberlain
0403 479 164
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