Listen out for the Hearing Australia Bus visiting the region



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The bus will be in Mossman and Port Douglas next month. Image: Supplied.

The Hearing Australia bus is stopping by North Queensland to offer free hearing checks and raise hearing health awareness in the local community.

The bus will be stopping in to Mossman Woolworths Car Park on 8 October and the Port Douglas Neighbourhood Centre on 9 October.

The free 15-minute checks includes a preliminary check and further costs and fees may be associated with follow-up treatments.

These fees may be subsidised for those eligible under the Australian Government Hearing Services Program, to which conditions apply.

With a 12-strong fleet of Hearing Australia buses, the mobile hearing service has provided over 175,000 free hearing checks in communities across Australia since the first bus service launched in 2009.

Hearing Australia buses travel around the country, not only visiting busy city centres, but also smaller regional towns where it might be difficult for people to get their hearing checked.

The bus also stops by retirement villages and aged care facilities to make it easier for people to have their hearing checked.

The team at Hearing Australia want to help people take control of their hearing health and experience the joy of sound in all aspects of their life.

Healthy hearing is a big part of life. It keeps us connected to the people and life we love.

Good hearing plays a significant role in helping people stay active, happy and involved in the world around them.

An estimated 3.6 million Australians are affected by hearing loss, and this is projected to more than double to 7.8 million by 2060, meaning nearly one in every five Australians will be affected2.

A hearing check is a quick and easy way to help identify if your hearing might not be as sharp as it used to be.

As well as having a hearing check, visitors to the Hearing Australia bus can also find information on how to keep their hearing in good shape and view a display of easy-to-use hearing devices for around the home. This includes headsets for watching TV and alert systems for doorbells.

Not everyone who is experiencing problems hearing may need a hearing aid. Sometimes people might just need support listening to the TV at normal volumes, hearing at noisy social events, or hearing their friends and family on the phone.

No appointment is necessary. Hearing Australia will provide hearing checks to any interested adults over 18 who visit the bus on the day.

The Hearing Australia team is on hand to guide you through what your next steps may be to help you rediscover the sounds you love.

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