For Tibet with love concert tour comes to Port Douglas

Two renowned international artists will be conducting a program including community workshop and concert in Port Douglas next week.
Tibetan singer-songwriter Tenzin Choegyal and Japanese musician Taro Terahara will be bringing their unique style of music to the Clink Theatre.
Tenzin Choegyal’s music draws strongly on his nomadic roots, and his tireless efforts to preserve the traditions of Tibet.
Taro Terahara draws inspiration from Indian classical music and now dreams of bringing the evocative sounds of the bansuri (classical Indian flute) to parts of the world that have yet to hear it.
Tenzin Choegyal is one of a handful of artists keeping Tibet’s music alive in the freedom of exile.
Having fled with his family into India, Tenzin has no memory of his homeland, yet feels a particular connection to the music of the wandering people of the Tibetan plateau.
Tenzin is a master of traditional Tibetan instruments the lingbu (bamboo flute) and the dranyen (3-stringed lute) but is best known for his extraordinary vocal ability and his mastery of droklu, the nomadic music of his parents.
Taro played whistles and flutes from an early age, performed trumpet in high school and university bands and, in exploring the music and dance of other traditions, became captivated by the power of pure improvisation.
Drawn to the music of India, Taro “heard the voice of the bansuri calling” and decided to devote himself entirely to the practice of Indian classical music. The bansuri, he explains, beautifully captures the sound of the air, the mountains and the uplifting devotional mood of Krishna.
Taro’s music is tempered by a beautiful humility and devotion to the mood and spirit of the raga, as it soars, swoops and transports listeners to realms of pure sound, engaging the mind and touching the heart.

During their time in our region, they will share their music in workshops and performances featuring songs from the Himalayas and are looking forward to catching up with old and new friends along the way.
This is a rare opportunity to spend some time with two world-renowned musicians and find out more about this intriguing part of the world.
The pair will be in Port Douglas Thursday 26 September from 7.30 pm at The Clink Theatre
Tickets are available for purchase online.
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