Chamber of Commerce AGM gives insights to region's future

Douglas Shire Council CEO Mark Stoermer said today Council had yet to receive the revised Development Application (DA) from Crystalbrook Collection, which will focus on the re-development of the Marina.
Addressing the Douglas Chamber of Commerce AGM at The Tin Shed, he said he had hoped to have had it by now, but was now expecting it before Christmas.
“This is a popular question and all I can say at this point is I have not received the DA. But we are in regular contact with Crystalbrook Collection,” said Mr Stoermer.
The Marina is set for a $200 million development to include a six-star hotel, villas, dining precinct, among features.
In February this year, then CEO Mark Davie – he has since stepped aside and Geoff York is Acting CEO – said Crystalbrook was hoping to lodge the DA with the Douglas Shire Council by the end of June.
In his Council update which comprised Blueprints, Master Plans and Strategic Plans, he said a Port Douglas Blueprint would bring all their plans together.
“This will involve a number of projects including the lighting of Macrossan Street and the lagoon at Four Mile Beach.
“We want to create an overall vision which we intend to share with the community,” said Mr Stoermer.
In terms of the planning initiatives, he listed:
- a Mossman 2020-2025 plan;
- a Daintree Community 30-year plan;
- engaging an economist and the community, along with obtaining state and federal funding, in the plans for the proposed lagoon;
- updating the Council website with an entry point titled “Your Douglas”;
- the creation of a sports precinct master plan and the hiring of a Team Leader for sports, recreation and well-being;
- and improving the 2017-2021 Economic Strategy, which will be taken to the community for consultation.
The make-up of the Chamber committee will be known at a later date.
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