Australia Day citizenship ceremonies will remain on 26 January

Douglas Shire Council will continue to, and has always, hosted Australia Day celebrations on 26 January.
This falls in line with new Federal Government rules that forces local councils to hold their citizenship ceremonies on this date.
But the Launceston City Council in Tasmania has defied this by voting unanimously to move its ceremonies to 25 January.
This decision is aimed at being more inclusive of Aboriginal people – many of whom view this date (26 January) as “Invasion Day”.
In a statement to Newsport, Council said: “Douglas Shire Council always hosts Australia Day celebrations on 26 January.”
Last week Douglas Shire Council Mayor Julia Leu welcomed 33 new citizens at the Mossman Shire Hall for the largest turnout to an Australian Citizenship ceremony.
Countries included India, France, Denmark, Ukraine, Italy, Vietnam, Germany, Netherlands, Taiwan, Hungary and South Korea, Canada, Ireland, United States of America, and the UK.
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, about 20 per cent of the population in Douglas Shire was born overseas.
Since 2014, the estimated resident population for Douglas Shire has grown by 538 people.
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