A reunion 50 years in the making

Fifty years of memories will come flooding back when the Mossman Grade 10 Class of 1969 celebrates its 50th school reunion in Mossman on 5 and 6 October.
The organisers are hoping they can attract as many as they can to the event.
Events include:
Saturday, 5 October at 3pm: Meet at Mossman State Primary School for photos, roll call and a tour of the old class rooms.
6.00pm: Meet at the Exchange Hotel for catch up
7:00pm: Dinner
Sunday, 6 October at 7.30am: St. Davids Church of England. Deborah Kachel will be conducting the Service
9am: Breakfast at Beechwoods
For more information, contact Patricia Veschetti (nee Hoffman) on 0400 023 910 or 4092 2333 or via e-mail: pveschet@bigpond.net.au; or Deborah Kachel on 0418 476 532
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