Rainforest relationship helping to grow a stronger ecosystem

Douglas Shire based eco group, Rainforest Rescue, have received a donation from the Daintree Discovery Centre to help them carry on preserving the Daintree Rainforest.
The Discovery Centre recently made a donation of $3,053 to the revival group made up of several revenue streams from wristbands and stickers to the Centre’s “cassowary poo”, aka sweets.
Branden Barber, chief executive of Rainforest Rescue, said the partnership with the Daintree Discovery Centre was pivotal to spreading the word on just how unique and important the Daintree is.
He said the annual donation from the Daintree Discovery Centre helped Rainforest Rescue with its local nursery, seed collection and plant propagation to produce more trees to grow more rainforest.
“This is Australia’s largest remaining rainforest. It is the world’s longest continuously existing and evolving rainforest.
“Being able to showcase what the Daintree is, and how important it is to the planet, is an essential part of our commitment to educate and the Daintree Discovery Centre does that beautifully.”
Rainforest Rescue raises more than 20,000 plants from more than 200 species annually. The group has been protecting and replanting rainforests since 1998.
Daintree Discovery Centre manager Abi Ralph said helping Rainforest Rescue was a real pleasure. “They do a critical job replanting and restoring the rainforest.
“We are proud to be associated with such a committed, effective and valuable organisation and to make this annual donation to help out.”
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