Quicksilver tours managing director awarded for excellence

The Managing Director of Quicksilver, Tony Baker, has been recognised at the 2019 Tropical North Queensland Tourism Industry Excellence Awards.
Mr Baker was awarded Outstanding Contribution by an Individual at the awards last Friday night at Tjapukai Aboriginal Cultural Park, for his work across the local tourism industry.
Mr Baker, who has been Managing Director of Quicksilver for 12 years, said the award came as a complete surprise.
“I sat there at the awards listening to the things that particular person had done and then realised they are talking about me and it was a shock,” he said.
“I feel very humbled to be recognised, I’ve always been very proud to be a part of the tourism industry up here.”
Mr Baker is also Chair of the Australian Marine Park Tourism Operators, is a member of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority’s Tourism Recreation Advisory Committee, was formally Chairman of Tourism Port Douglas and Daintree and was formally on the board of Tourism and Events Queensland.
“I’ve never done what I’ve done to be recognised, I just do what I do to make a difference,” Mr Baker said.
He added that he has been working on promoting the region both domestically and internationally for many years.
“I’ve been involved in the tourism industry for a long time. It’s a great industry here with fantastic people working and driving the industry and it is so resilient.”
“I’d like to thank whoever nominated me and I’d like to thank the people at Tourism Tropical North Queensland who decided to present me with the award,” he said.
The awards night celebrated the achievements and successes of the entire local tourism industry and Tourism Tropical North Queensland (TTNQ) Chair Wendy Morris congratulated the winners.
“We have all faced challenges in the tourism industry in the past 12 months.”
“However, the people and products receiving awards this year have embraced these challenges with creative and innovative ideas that benefit not only their business, but also the destination,” Ms Morris said.
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