Port Douglas Combined Clubs opens the lid on new name

In better reflecting their position in the marketplace, the Port Douglas Combined Clubs – also known as The Tin Shed – will now do business as the Douglas Community & Sports Club Inc.
In confirming that this was unanimously accepted at yesterday’s annual general meeting, Tin Shed general manager Kym Rowley said the new name was an appropriate fit.
“This now reflects what we really are: we are a community club for all of the Douglas Shire. This is how we want to be perceived in the marketplace,” said Rowley.
The Club’s history dates back to 1877 as indicated by the Scroll which was carried by the pioneers from Cooktown to Port Douglas on behalf of the Port Douglas and District Boat Club. It was also carried to the present shires of Cook, Mareeba and Douglas over time.
Although the name has changed over years, it is affectionately known as the Tin Shed and continues to operate as a not-for-profit entity and provides members, local residents, guests and visitors with an affordable dining and social experience in one of the best waterfront locations.
Mr Rowley said he was also pleased to announce that the request put forward by the Management Committee to members to give them approval to negotiate a loan for up to $1.7 million for the purpose of carrying out the proposed club extensions, was approved.
“However, no extension will be started until such time the Management Committee believe the Club is in a secure financial position to do so. At this stage it is unlikely that any work will commence until late 2020 or early 2021,” said Mr Rowley.
It was also agreed at the meeting that the Federal Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch will be asked to continue serving as Patron of the club.
The Management Committee is:
President: Tony Dickinson
Vice President: Ian Ottaway
Treasurer: Mal Phillips
Committee: Peter Lewis, Stephen Warden, John Carney and Rick Herschell
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