Plenty of reasons to get in the pool this coming summer

Swimming in the Douglas Shire just got a whole lot better with no change to fess at the Mossman Pool and federal funding made available for swimming programs.
Douglas Shire Council today resolved to maintain regular fees and charges for the recreational site north of Mossman.
Council will introduce a family day pass to encourage family participation and reduced price packages for multiple swim sessions to reward frequent users.
Grey nomads also get a win with the introduction of a five per cent discount at the caravan park for guests with a senior’s card.
The pool was reopened yesterday following maintenance and repairs that saw the pool closed to the public for the last four weeks.
Douglas Shire Deputy Mayor, Abigail Noli, said the new incentives would make a visit to the precinct more attractive.
“Council is keen to maximise the potential of this fantastic area,” she said.
“The caravan park has been teeming with tourists and once the pool fully re-opens, our locals will have a perfect way to spend a summer day.
“The new works will also give the local swimming clubs a reliable venue to train at.”
The Mossman Pool is currently open 12.00 pm to 4.00 pm from Monday to Friday.
Council has appointed a qualified lifeguard and more lifeguards are being inducted this week.
The temporary opening hours will remain over the next few weeks as Council finalise improvements and train new staff to open normal operating hours.
Meanwhile, Federal MP for Leichhardt Warren Entsch, is encouraging community groups and individuals to apply for the Community Swimming Grants Program.
The program allows organisations the opportunity to apply for grants of up to $10,000 to provide or improve opportunities for people with disabilities and from diverse backgrounds to take up swimming.
Mr Entsch said swimming was a big part of our way of life in Far North Queensland and is a great way to stay active and healthy at any age.
“However, some people in our community need a bit of extra support to be able to enjoy the benefits of swimming, particularly if they have a disability or don’t have a strong swimming culture in their family,” Mr Entsch said.
“These new Community Swimming Grants provide a great opportunity for local community groups to get funding to share the love of swimming with more people in Far North Queensland.”
For further information and to apply for Swimming Australia’s Community Swimming Grants Program visit
Casual visits:
- Adults $4.50
- Child $3.50 (Under 12)
- Senior $3.50
- Spectator $2.00
One-month memberships:
- Adult $ 60.00
- Child/Senior $ 45.00
- 12-swim pass $40.00
- Family Day Pass - $10.00
(2 adults and 2 children)
*Saturday and Sunday only
Monday to Friday - 6.00am to 6.00pm
Saturday/Sunday - 8.00am to 5.00pm
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