People with a disability encouraged to inform NDIS direction



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People with disability in Far North Queensland are invited to share their experiences with the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

An accessible community workshop will be held in Cairns on Tuesday, 8 October, to discuss ways to improve participants’ experiences with the NDIS.

Anyone who has experiences accessing support and services through the NDIS is welcome to attend and share their insights.

NDIS Support Services in the Douglas Shire is currently coordinated through the Mossman Support Services. 

The workshop forms part of a wider public consultation on the review of the NDIS legislation and rules.

The review will lead to the development of an NDIS Participant Service Guarantee, which will set new standards for the time it takes for key steps in the NDIS process.

Federal Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch said it was critical that people with disability are at the centre of the review.

“I encourage people with disability, and their families, carers and supporters, to come along to the workshop in Cairns to share their views on how to make NDIS processes simpler, quicker and more straight-forward,” Mr Entsch said.

“The NDIS is already proving to be a life-changing social reform for hundreds of thousands of Australians; including those living in Cairns and Far North Queensland, and the Morrison Government is committed to making it work.”

To register to attend the community workshop and for further information visit the Department of Social Services website.

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