Murphy Street landslip repairs to get underway in the New Year

Repairs to the landslips on Murphy Street will have an emphasis on addressing community concerns and providing innovative solutions.
Douglas Shire Council released the tender documents of the repair works last week after consultation with residents and businesses.
The tender process for the repair works closes to applicants at the end of the month.
The high side of the road, which runs along the Port Douglas headland, was damaged in the severe weather activity last year.
In March 2018, there was a significant landslip above Murphy Street and emergency works returned the area to a reasonable level of service within four weeks.
Then in December 2018, interim works were carried out to prepare the area for the wet season.
Scope of work for the upcoming project includes the installation of soil nails and geotechnical reinforcing mesh to the disturbed face, plus materials to encourage vegetation regrowth, gabions to reduce erosion, drainage and road upgrades.
Douglas Shire Council Mayor Julia Leu said the safety and timing of the project works are of the utmost importance.
“These innovations are being sought to safely deliver the works in the shortest possible timeframes while minimising traffic disruptions, dust, vibration and noise during construction,” she said.
“Community consultation revealed the importance of continual access for local residents, tourists, and pedestrians utilising the walking trail to the beach and headlands.
“Contractors will be required to have at least one lane of Murphy Street open at all times and where road closures are unavoidable, we expect these to be for short periods only and occur infrequently.”
It’s likely a contractor will be appointed in early December with works commencing in the New Year.
Please visit LG Tender Box for more information.
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