Mossman State School receives Showcase Award for Excellence

- Mossman State School has been honoured with the Queensland Teachers’ Union Showcase Award for Excellence in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education.
It was recognised at the 20th annual Showcase Awards for Excellence in Schools in Brisbane last Friday night.
The award was in recognition for the school’s Kuku Yalanji Indigenous Language Program.
Ms Sharon Case, the Head of Teaching and Learning at Mossman State School, said they were excited to have their language program acknowledged.
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“It is extremely humbling. We are representing not just the school, but the whole community,” she said.
“It is far more than just a language program; it is building an identity for the kids, developing their cultural heritage, and being proud of their heritage.
“All of our kids have the right to learn their language, which hasn’t always been the case. This is a small part we can play in rebuilding a culture that has been so resilient.”
This is the first time the language program has been won at the state level. However, the school has been recognised at the regional awards over the past two years.
“It’s great to have the work recognised. We are really proud of what’s happening here at the school,” said Ms Case.
Norm Tayley, a community teacher at Mossman State School, accepted the award along with Ms Case.
“I am excited for Mossman primary for winning the award.
“I have been teaching the language for a number of years and in the international year of Indigenous language, it has finally been recognised to be in line with the Australian curriculum.”
Member for Cook, Cynthia Lui, commended Mossman State School and said the awards recognise, celebrate, and reward excellence and innovation in teaching and leadership practice in Queensland state schools.
“As I visit schools in my electorate, I am always impressed by the commitment of our principals and teachers to improve learning outcomes for students.
“The Showcase Awards are about recognising educational excellence and celebrating the many success stories of our Queensland state schools,” said Ms Lui.
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