Memorial exhibition to remember unique and exceptional artist
Douglas Arts Studio Gallery Inc. (DAB) will be staging a memorial art exhibition of Alison Gotts’ paintings and travel sketches.
Titled “Through Her Eyes”, opening night is Friday 18 October at 6.30 pm at DAB’s studio in Mossman and the exhibition will run until Saturday 26 October. The gallery is open Monday-Saturday from 10 am to 2 pm.
The special exhibition will provide an opportunity to appreciate Alison‘s exceptional artwork. She is remembered as a former president of DAB, an exceptional artist and an inspiration to many DAB artists, especially the Urban Sketchers group. She passed away earlier this year.
Referring to Alison’s considerable contribution, DAB vice president, Ellen Terrell, said it is a substantial body of work – a worthy retrospective – which celebrates her passion for her art and her skill as an artist over many years.
“We were extremely happy to have Alison as a member of DAB for more than 10 years and we are delighted to present this exhibition,” said Ms Terrell.
“In 2008, Alison started painting classes with Peter Culley and later on, drawing classes with Rose Watts to improve her art skills.
“It became evident that she was passionate about her art; she was energetic and was willing to try many mediums.
“She worked her way through pastels, oils, watercolour, pencil, but her artwork represents only one part of a very talented and multi-faceted person.
“She also applied her energy and her management skills to projects within DAB: first as treasurer on the Management Committee and then as President,” said Ms Terrell.
Ms Terrell also highlighted the other roles she played:
- The fundraising of projects, such as a major Art Exhibition at the Sugar Wharf in Port Douglas in 2012. She worked closely with Cheryl Wellham, who was a major sponsor of the Exhibition, and who continues as an Urban Sketcher today.
- The expansion of DAB’s website and advertising of DAB activities.
- She was not only committed to her own art practice, but always encouraged other DAB members to do the same.
- She will also be remembered for her favourite: drawing & sketching, which led to creating the Urban Sketching group with Pat Lane.
Some of the tributes to Alison include: “For DAB, Alison was an inspiring leader, enabling shy artists to excel, resulting in wonderful exhibitions and a beautiful gallery.”
“Her amazing leadership has helped each and every one of us and we have all benefited from her guidance and friendship – more than we will ever know. Nothing was impossible for her where art was concerned and her smile and laughter still brings sweet memories.”
“I came to DAB at the suggestion of a friend. But I stayed at DAB because of Alison. I enjoyed her company and admired her art skills.”
After the exhibition concludes at DAB on 26 October, a portion of the artwork will be hung in the Douglas Shire Council Chambers for a further two weeks.
Also, works which are for sale will continue to be available at DAB, together with a 2020 calendar and postcards of her ink and watercolour sketches.
See a selection of Alison's work here:

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