Historic flagstaff pole wins at heritage state awards

A 139-year-old flagstaff pole at a lookout in Port Douglas has been recognised at the National Trust 2019 Queensland Heritage Awards.
The pole, which was preserved and re-installed at Island Point lookout overlooking Four Mile Beach before Anzac Day last year, received a high commendation at the awards.
Douglas Shire Mayor Julia Leu and Douglas Historical Society Executive member Noel Weare accepted the award in Brisbane last night.
Mayor Leu said the award shines a spotlight on the rich history and identity of the Douglas Shire.
“This flagstaff has been ripped from the ground, splintered and ravaged by termites, but thanks to our fantastic Douglas Historical Society and Douglas Shire Council crews, it remains an important part of Port Douglas today,” she said.
“The award recognises the dedication of Douglas Historical Society for continuing to tell our region’s most colourful and defining stories.
“The flagstaff was restored by a local shipwright, who repaired the flagstaff in line with heritage requirements,” Mayor Leu said.
The original flagstaff was erected in 1880 by the then harbour master to signal the arrival of ships in Port Douglas.
It was also used to warn residents of the arrival of cyclones in the 1950s.
The flagstaff was removed in 2012 by then Cairns Regional Council for safety reasons, as the base was rotten and damaged from termites.
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