Halloween fundraiser to scare up money for local Gymnastics

The Mossman and District Gymnastics Club (M&DGC) is holding a Halloween themed event at the Exchange Hotel on Friday 1 November to raise much-needed funds for club improvements.
The Nightmare on Mill Street fundraiser will be an adults-only party at the Exchange Hotel, including a buffet dinner, live music, raffles, and prizes for best dressed.
Meanwhile, next door at the gymnastics club, there will be a kids party with babysitting available for the duration of the event.
Club Manager Hayley Bender said the fundraiser will raise money for air conditioners and industrial fans to keep the kids cool, which is particularly important with summer approaching.
“The M&DGC has overcome some large obstacles in recent years, the biggest of which, was the club’s relocation to Pinjarra Place from the Mossman Indoor Sports Centre in 2016,” Ms Bender said.
“Unfortunately, the building in its current state was very limiting. Low ceilings, small office spaces and minimal equipment has restricted our many varied programs."
Since signing a contract to purchase the facility at Pinjarra Place on Mill Street in Mossman in September 2018, the club has undertaken stage one of renovations to transform the space into a suitable gymnastics facility.
“We are so happy to now be able to offer a large, suitable venue for our students, however, our next challenge will be to install air-conditioners or industrial fans to combat the nasty FNQ heat.
“Unfortunately, with no current fans and air-conditioners in the area, and minimal airflow, this has become a priority project for our club to keep our kids cool as we head into term four,” she said.
Ms Bender added that the clubs numbers are continuing to grow making the M&DGC one of the largest non-profit sporting organisations in the Douglas Shire and therefore must upgrade the facility in order to sustain the growth and keep the club alive.
The club heavily relies on the community's help through donations and events like the Nightmare on Mill Street to make such upgrades possible.
The fundraiser festivities kick off at 6.00pm with tickets on sale now from M&DGC, $28 per adult or $25 per adult for groups of 10 or more.
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