Former councillor and long-time Douglas Shire identity dies

WARNING: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders are warned that the following article contains images and names of deceased persons.
Former councillor and long-time Douglas Shire resident, David “George” Pitt, has passed away suddenly. The 71-year-old was surrounded by family on Monday at Cairns Hospital.
Better known as ‘George’, he was the first Indigenous councillor in the Douglas Shire, holding the position from 2004 to 2008. He contested unsuccessfully for Mayor in 2013.
Mr Pitt was well known among the community and spent his entire life in the shire. He worked as a loco driver at the Mossman Mill for many years.
Mayor Julia Leu said he will be remembered as a passionate advocate for the Douglas Shire, and was never shy about contributing to community debates long after his term on Council.
“I will always remember his keen interest in so many issues throughout the Shire, and in particular his advocacy for the sugar, grazing and fishing industries.
“I was saddened to hear of his passing and offer my deepest condolences to his family and friends,” she said.
The flags at the Council administration building will be flown at half-mast until his funeral on Monday in a show of respect for his work around the Shire.
Close friend to Mr Pitt, Dixie Phillpot said he was one of the most respected people in the Douglas Shire and will be dearly missed by many.
“As a councillor, he was very supportive of the whole Shire and was very fair and balanced.”
“He was very loved and will always be remembered,” Ms Phillpot said.
Family and friends are invited to attend a graveside service at the Mossman Cemetery on Monday 4 November at 10.00am.
Mr Pitt is survived by partner Flo, son Simon and grandchildren Alani and Isla.
The Pitt family have asked that in lieu of flowers, donations to Kidney Health Australia be made.
A donation box will be available at the service.
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