Douglas Card to entice locals to explore the region

The Douglas Shire Council’s annual Douglas Card promotion kicks off tomorrow giving Far Northerners more incentives to visit the region.
Over the next four months, residents from Cardwell to Cooktown, including the Atherton Tablelands, will be able to access the card in a renewed push to increase regional visitation to the Douglas Shire.
Main features of the card include unlimited free Daintree Ferry trips and a free entry to the Mossman Gorge swimming hole.
The promotion will see the return ferry fee of $30 scrapped for local residents until 29 February next year.
Douglas Shire Mayor Julia Leu said the free ferry trip was the best incentive for local residents to get out and visit one of the world’s most enchanted places.
“The free travel really gives residents from our neighbouring shires a reason come up and explore our little pocket of paradise,” she said.
“It also encourages them to go beyond Port Douglas and get right up to Cape Tribulation.
“Why not make it a Douglas weekend getaway and see all that our beautiful region has to offer?”
It is also hoped the incentive will attract visitors to continue along the picturesque Great Barrier Reef Drive.
The cable-powered ferry near the end of the Daintree River is the continuation of the Great Barrier Reef Drive, a 140km long road, which stretches the coastline from the Northern Beaches of Cairns through to Cape Tribulation.
The card also provides discounts to local attractions including two free adult tickets for the Mossman Gorge shuttle bus.
Council has issued 4217 Douglas Cards since the promotion began in 2014.
Tourism Port Douglas Daintree Executive Officer, Tara Bennett, said the Daintree ferry crossing was the gateway to the ancient Daintree Rainforest, incredible wildlife, and pristine landscapes that encompass two World Heritage sites.
“Although the Daintree is admired for its beauty and isolation, it also has amazing tourism ventures through activities, more than 40 places to stay, as well as numerous restaurants and cafes to choose from,” she said.
“Visitors are spoilt for choice with the Great Barrier Reef and revelling in the lush rainforest and gorgeous coastline that make up this exceptional area.”
Douglas Shire Council offers the Douglas Card to locals residing in Douglas Shire Council as well as:
• Mareeba Shire Council
• Cairns Regional Council
• Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council
• Tablelands Regional Council
• Cook Shire Council
• Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire Council
• Hope Vale Aboriginal Shire Council
• Cassowary Coast Regional Council
Use of the Douglas Card on the Daintree Ferry is restricted to use by Motor Car and Utilities (private use), Pedestrians and Bicycles and Motor Bikes.
To obtain a free Douglas Card, applicants need to provide photographic identification and additional proof of residency with their application to confirm local status at any one of the above local government areas.
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