Beechwoods Cafe turns pink for Pink in the Tropics

Pink in the Tropics is hosting a pink breakfast at Beechwoods Café in Mossman tomorrow for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Beechwoods café will be selling a variety of pink food including scrambled eggs, pancakes, muffins, and drinks, with one dollar from every sale being donated to Pink in the Tropics (PITT).
PITT is a breast cancer support group that aims to help women in the Douglas Shire feel less isolated during their breast cancer journey.
The group was formed in 2008 by four local ladies, all diagnosed with breast cancer, who banded together to support one another.
They not only offer women battling the disease emotional support but also organise services to make day-to-day life during a difficult time a little bit easier.
President of PITT, Maria Atkinson, said raising breast cancer awareness is extremely important because the disease affects so many people in the community.
“Everyone knows someone who has had or is undergoing breast cancer and it affects the whole family,” Ms Atkinson said.
“So it is really important that we are supporting women that are undergoing such harsh treatment.”
Not only will pink food be on offer but Ms Atkinson said other pink items such as soaps and jewellery will also be for sale.
“All the money we raise from the community is put back into Pink in the Tropics,” she said.
Beechwoods owner Sharon Beechey said the event was very successful last year so they are excited to be holding it again.
“We are decorating the shop pink and everyone will be wearing pink,” she said.
The Pink Breakfast will run at Beechwoods between 7.00am and 12.00pm tomorrow.
The breakfast precedes the Cancer Council’s Pink Ribbon Day which is on Monday 28 October.
Cancer Council Queensland is calling for people to show their support by buying pink merchandise to wear proudly.
Sadly, there are approximately 4,600 Queensland women diagnosed with breast or gynaecological cancer each year.
Money raised through Cancer Council's Pink Ribbon campaign helps fund research into women’s cancers, cancer prevention and advocacy programs, and support services to help those affected by women’s cancers.
Pink In the Tropics’ next major community fundraiser is the annual Melbourne Cup day hosted by Salsa Bar and Grill on Tuesday 5 November.
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