Waterfront plan paves the way for further investment

A masterplan for the Port Douglas Waterfront South Precinct has set the scene for new investment and security for existing marine industries.
The masterplan aims to fulfil the growing demand for the area, between the Marano’s Fuel Depot and Closehaven Marina, from a diverse range of stakeholders for changes, expanded and potential new waterfront users.
The $160,000 project was jointly-funded by Douglas Shire Council and the Australian Government.
Deputy Prime Minister and Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Minister Michael McCormack said this investment would help boost tourism in the region.
“The Government is continuing its long-standing commitment to regional Australia by making important local projects such as the Port Douglas Waterfront South Precinct a reality, creating more jobs and driving economic development,” Mr McCormack said.
“It is projects such as this one, which help ensure regional Australia remains a great place to live, work and raise a family.”
Federal Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch said the study evaluated the feasibility of a range of land uses in the Port Douglas Waterfront South precinct to optimise land use.
He said through stakeholder consultation, environmental, economic, marine and geo-technical and traffic engineering investigations, the study identified a preferred mix of compatible land uses, suitable for viable businesses in the area.
“The work will support future capital projects in the area, create opportunities for new investment in infrastructure, alleviate traffic issues in the central area of Port Douglas,” Mr Entsch said.
“It will also support the sustainability of the fishing fleet, enhance facilities for private boat owners and create new tourism infrastructure to benefit tour operators.”
Douglas Shire Mayor Julia Leu said the precinct plan would progressively address a complex matrix of land tenures, operational requirement and private sector aspirations.
“A vibrant waterfront is essential to ensuring Port Douglas remains a competitive and contemporary destination,” she said.
“This work lays the foundations to support future capital projects in the area, create opportunities for new investment such as the re-development of the Crystalbrook Superyacht Marina and alleviate traffic issues in Port Douglas.
“The plan also supports the sustainability of the fishing fleet, enhance facilities for private boat owners and create new tourism infrastructure to benefit tour operators.”
The re-development of the Crystalbrook Marina is currently on hold and there is no indication work will begin anytime soon.
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