Walkabout Cultural Adventures takes out the Cultural Tourism Australia award

Local tour company Walkabout Cultural Adventures was awarded the Cultural Tourism Australia award at the recent 2019 Adventure Tourism Awards.
The Adventure Tourism Awards showcase outstanding businesses within the tourism sector across Australia and New Zealand, with businesses recognised for their achievements across 34 categories.
Walkabout Cultural Adventures is a 100 per cent Aboriginal owned and operated tour company based in the Douglas Shire.
Offering different tours around the area, Walkabout Cultural Adventures showcases the environment to visitors with particular emphasis on the connection the local Kuku Yalanji people have with the land.
Owner and guide Juan Walker said it feels great to be recognised after years of hard work.
“It was a bit of a surprise we are a small operator going up against some big boys out there,” Mr Walker said.
“It is an awesome array of operators, destinations and experiences, I am honoured to be listed in their company. Congratulations to all winners and finalists, well deserved.”
Mr Walker added his tour is about giving people an insight into Aboriginal culture and land management.
“To us, the land is everything, the connection to family, and to food, and it is so good to be out and about showcasing this beautiful land,” he said.
The awards are run by Adventure Queensland, the peak backpacking and independent travel industry body for Queensland.
They recognise the best of the best in travel agencies, tour/activity, innovation, cultural tourism, sustainability and accommodation.
Adventure Queensland Vice President, Anita Butler, said that it was great to see over 350 people celebrating the 2019 Adventure Tourism Awards.
“The Adventure Tourism sector is a vital part of the Australian and New Zealand tourism offering.
“These awards are made extra special with the inclusion of 30 per cent consumer voting and the expert individual judging panel weighted evenly for the remaining 70 per cent of final scoring.”
Award winners were judged based on their individual points of difference, unique selling points, customer reviews, business achievements and their links to the Adventure Tourism industry.
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