The community bands together for bushfire relief concert

The Douglas Shire is banding together to raise funds for bushfire affected communities.
On Tuesday 10 December, seven popular local bands, as well as numerous volunteers, will give up their time to put on a charity concert at the Central Hotel in Port Douglas.
The bands, including Timber & Wood, Gusman, The Kroovs, Seachange, Stuie Harcourt, Elliot Davidson, and The Walker Brothers will entertain the crowds from 2.00pm to 9.00pm.
Local resident and former emergency service volunteer, Jeni Maxwell, has organised the benefit concert and said she felt like she needed to do something to help out.
“I got sick after the cyclone Debbie clean-up and my doctor said no more emergency services for a few years,” Ms Maxwell said.
“I thought well I can't go and fight the fires and I can't go and do the clean-up, what can I do?
“I'm really good at fundraising and raising money so I thought okay, I'm going to have a concert here in Port Douglas.”
Ms Maxwell said a number of local businesses have come on board by donating vouchers that will be raffled off during the concert to raise money.
“Even though it's hard times for everybody at the moment our wonderful local businesses have still been generous and kind-hearted enough to give something.
“We have had donations from places like Hartley’s Crocodile Farm, local accommodation providers, reef tours, restaurants, and shops,” she said.
Funds will also be raised through money tins currently located at the Central Hotel and the Barrier Reef tavern with everything raised going to the Rural Fire Services.
“They have an initiative called GIVEIT and through that 100% of funds will go to bushfire affected areas,” Ms Maxwell said.
“They need the help right now especially with Christmas coming up.”
She added it will be a fun, family-friendly day of live music, prizes, face painting, and sausage sizzles.
“Come along and have some fun, everybody can do something small to give back and it's great to see locals helping locals.”
Rick Moyer will be the sound technician for the concert and said he got involved because he really wanted to volunteer to fight the fires himself.
In Canada where Mr Moyer is from anyone can volunteer in a bush fire emergency.
“I found out you can’t just do that here so instead I have donated my equipment and I will run the sound. I get to volunteer that way,” he said.
“It is a great cause and the people that are hurting the worst are going to get the benefits.”
The Band Together Bushfire Relief concert starts at 2.00pm on Tuesday 10 December, at the Central Hotel in Port Douglas.

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