Targeted marketing activities stabilise visitor numbers

With a focus on boosting the domestic shoulder season, targeted marketing activities helped stabilise visitor numbers to the Douglas Shire last financial year.
The 2018-19 Tourism Port Douglas Daintree (TPDD) Annual Report, which was tabled at the Ordinary Council Meeting on Monday, has highlighted the organisation’s new strategic direction to become the world’s leading sustainable destination and grow Douglas tourism to $550 million by 2022.
It also detailed the organisation’s extensive marketing campaigns that achieved more than $4 million worth of media value for the region.
Tourism Research Australia reported a slight increase in visitor numbers (domestic 7%, international 4%), generating an estimated expenditure of $520 million. TPDD Chief Executive Officer Tara Bennett said the drive market was the star segment during a tough year for the industry.
“While the year started well coming off two years of double-digit growth, the traditional easing off of domestic visitation was coupled with a greater than normal drop across both domestic and international markets due to the monsoonal season.
“I am particularly proud of new marketing initiatives such as the inaugural TPDD Domestic Mega Famil, which saw 35 travel agents visit the region in December, and the first dedicated New Zealand mission,” said Ms Bennett.
According to an index report from ‘Destination Think’ that analyses customer online discussions, the region topped a Tourism Sentiment Score for satisfied and happy visitors out of 100 destinations from around the world.
The Holiday Hangover digital campaign recorded 3,830 entries, an increase of 173% on the previous year, reaching 139,830 users and fostering 11,353 engaging actions.
The Expedia Campaign, which ran onsite media banners across Expedia Australia and Wotif Australia websites received over $640,000 in bookings, resulting in every $1 spent generating $60 in booking revenue.
A continued push via trade partnerships targeting inbound travel assisted with visitor night growth in the US and New Zealand markets.
Douglas Shire Council allocated $488,293 to TPDD in the 2018/19 Annual Budget.
View the TTPDD Annual Report here.
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