Stinger nets rolled out on Four Mile Beach


Karlie Brady


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Stinger nets will be returned to Four Mile Beach in Port Douglas today.

Surf Life Saving Queensland (SLSQ) began rolling out the nets across the Far North this week as the high-risk stinger season begins.

SLSQ North Queensland regional manager Rob Davidson urged anyone going for a swim to remain vigilant over the coming months.

“Lifeguards will do regular stinger drags throughout the day in the netted area,” Mr Davidson said.

“Risk assessments will be made and if it looks like there is any presence of stingers the beach will be closed.

“As always we continue to encourage people to only swim between the red and yellow flags.”

Mr Davidson said marine stingers can be present all year round in tropical waters but the percentage of risk is much higher over the summer months.

“Box jellyfish breed in creeks so when the monsoon rain hits they get flushed out into the sea and as such, the nets have been installed,” he said.

“If people want to further protect themselves they should wear a stinger suit or a long-sleeved rashie.”

Mr Davidson added anyone engaging in ocean activities of any kind including fishing and cast netting should also take caution.

“For anyone stung in tropical waters the advice is the liberal application of vinegar for 30 seconds which is available at most beaches and lifeguard stations, then seek medical advice," Mr Davidson said.

The nets will remain in the water until the high-risk season ends, typically in May.

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