Report alleges decline of Shire’s economic base post de-amalgamation

A report, released yesterday, alleges the decline of the Douglas Shire’s economic base post de-amalgamation.
The combined analysis purports that Douglas Shire Council’s performance post de-amalgamation has been the worst FNQ Council “Wooden Spoon” performers in all aspects of economic management and the damage is serious and needs addressing urgently.
Entitled: “Economic Review: Douglas Shire Post De-amalgamation 2014 -2019. Analysis of De-amalgamation Tragedy Final 23/11/19”, was released by Tin Shed General Manager Kym Rowley, a Councillor candidate in the March 28, 2020 local government election.
Mr Rowley told Newsport the report was prepared by a long-term retired resident and ratepayer of Douglas Shire, and an individual well versed in corporate governance protocol and financial analysis as well as audit committee governance protocols.
“I have been made privy to this document and based on its content, I strongly believe it should be in the public domain and it’s for this reason I agreed to release it,” said Mr Rowley.
But, Mr Rowley has acknowledged that although the author has requested anonymity, he (Mr Rowley) is prepared to stand by its content and has submitted it based on his confidence in the data.
It states in the Executive Summary that the document has been prepared to provide an independent analysis of the performance of Douglas Shire Council post de-amalgamation from Cairns Regional Council in 2014.
“The data used in this analysis has been sourced exclusively from the Douglas Shire Council website and other government agency and accredited websites, where appropriate.”

It is intimated in the report that there has been concern at the decline of the Shire’s economic base post de-amalgamation.
“As such the author decided to undertake an independent professional pro bono economic and governance analysis of the Shire’s performance post de-amalgamation. The aim of the exercise was to get an accurate and verifiable analysis of the true position and provide a snapshot of the situation for those running for Council and what will need to be addressed if elected,” said Mr Rowley
The report, which has Mr Rowley’s blessing, says “without progressive and accountable leadership and a visionary and sustainable growth policy, the Douglas Shire economy will continue to deteriorate with increasing job losses, higher rates, higher levies and charges, lower material and services budgeted and lower business activity.”
* Newsport has forwarded a copy of the report to Council for comment.
For a copy of the full report contact Kym Rowley
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