Port Douglas Police continue to investigate after Nautilus street assault

Police are continuing their investigation into an alleged assault in Port Douglas on Friday night.
A 75-year-old woman was found unconscious on the side of the road on Nautilus street at around 8:30pm with serious head injuries.
The woman was reportedly left unconscious for approximately two hours before passers-by found her and called police.
She was taken to Mossman Hospital in a serious condition but is now recovering at home.
Port Douglas Police Senior Sergeant Damian Meadows said this is an uncommon incident and Port Douglas is still a statistically safe town, but he urged people to be mindful of their surroundings.
“In my 15 years in Port, this is the first alleged incident of this account, so it is unique,” Sgt Meadows said.
He added the Criminal Investigation Branch is continuing their investigation, but he was unable to identify any suspects at this time.
“There is no indication of an attempted robbery, she was found with all her possessions and valuables and there was also no indication that she was targeted.
“Police are speaking with a number of people who are assisting in the investigation,” he said.
The incident occurred on one the of many unlit streets in the town and Sgt Meadows said it is a security issue he has raised with various organisations including council.
“It is something that needs to be discussed. There are a number of areas that I think need more lighting.”
Sgt Meadows added that Port Douglas has a very committed, tight knit community and asked people to keep an eye out for their neighbours.
Police are still appealing for any witnesses who were in the Nautilus street area on Friday between 6.30pm and 8.30pm, or any motorist who may have dashcam vision to contact police.
If you have any information, contact Policelink on 131 444 or provide information using the online form 24hrs per day.
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