ON THE AGENDA | Revised budget shows changes to operating revenue & expenditure

It will be proposed to Councillors at Tuesday’s Ordinary Meeting of Council at Council Chambers in Mossman that a revised budget for 2019/20 be adopted.
The revised budget includes:
- a number of changes to operating revenue and expenditure, including any items approved by Council since the adoption of the original budget;
- allows for the carry forward of uncompleted capital works from last financial year;
- any items of capital expenditure approved by Council since the adoption of the original budget;
- a number of capital expenditure adjustments to existing projects that result in a net increase in proposed capital expenditure;
- a number of new capital projects, in some cases as a result of new capital grants that have been approved; and
- incorporates revised figures for NDRRA (Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements) capital revenue and expenditure.
In the Council papers, it is pointed out that while there is no legislative requirement to revise Council's budget during the financial year, a revision enables Council to accommodate changing circumstances and adjust the budget for factors that were unknown at the time of the budget's original adoption; thus providing more meaningful results, when comparing actual revenue and expenditure against budget.
It will be tabled that adjustments to Operating Revenue and Operating Expenditure Adjustments netting $355k have been made to operating revenue and adjustments netting $447k have been made to operating expenditure, based on revised estimates of likely changes in revenue and expenditure for the remainder of the 2019/20 financial year.
Adjustments to operating revenue are as follows:
- Fees and charges +$243k – revenue from Mossman Pool/Caravan Park
- Grants and subsidies -$23k - due to recovered advances NDRRA emergent works - $171k and carried forward grants $154k
- Other operating revenue +$105k – RMPC additional works
- Interest +$30k.
Adjustments to operating expenditure are as follows:
- Employee benefits +$444k - includes new positions for Pool/Van Park
- Materials and services -$97k - Pool/Van Park maintenance, additional temporary staff, increased RMPC costs, carbon offset savings, identified savings
- Finance costs +$100k – landfill discount rate adjustment (previously not budgeted).
These adjustments will address a number of the variances currently identified in Council's monthly financial reporting.
The revised budget shows that Adjustments to Total Capital Revenue is $15,398,480 and Adjustments to Total Capital Expenses is $19,735,861.
View the Revised Budget on the Douglas Shire Council website.
Other agenda items include:
- Council will be asked to invite Expressions of Interest for the provision of a Port Douglas slipway or boat handling facility at the Marina.
- There will be an opportunity to Invite Expressions of Interest for the development of the balance of the land at Johnston Road for an aged-care accommodation.
- It will be recommended that Council adopts the dress code “Conferees and their guests should be dressed in smart casual clothing befitting our tropical environment” on Australia Day.
- It will be recommended that Council provide “in-principle” support for the proposed upgrade of the Newell Beach Boat Ramp.
View the full Council report on the Douglas Shire Council website.
1. Material change of use for short-term accommodation (motel) with ancillary uses at 20 Warner Street, Port Douglas
2. Reconfiguring of a lot (1 into 15 lots) 20-30 Langley Road, Port Douglas
3. Expressions of interest Port Douglas slipway
4. Expression of interest - aged care accommodation Mossman
5. Dress code for citizenship ceremonies
6. Revised budget 2019-2020
7. Appointment of the local disaster management group Douglas region
8. Request for traffic control speed bump at Marlin Drive, Wonga
9. Asset and service management general policy
10. Owners consent for Newell Beach boat ramp upgrade
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