Melbourne Cup-winning horse with local connections

While the country was excited for an Australian horse to take out the win at yesterday’s Melbourne Cup, one local family with a bit of blood in the game had even more reason to cheer.
The Lanskey and Walker family watched the race intently as Vow And Declare, a horse owned by their extended family, including former Mossman resident Anthony Lanskey, crossed the line first.
The late Dr Bob Lanskey was a well-known doctor in the area for many years and it was his brother Paul Lanskey who bred the four-year-old gelding.
Paul Lanskey then entered into co-ownership with 12 other people, including Bob Lanskey’s son, Anthony Lanskey, and both their children.
One of the sons and part-owner Lachlan Lanskey said he is still in shock after yesterday’s win.
After acquiring shares in the horse 18 months ago, Lachlan Lanskey never expected to be a winner on Cup day.
“We talked about it jokingly when we first got him and then he started running really well so it became a reality.
“He had perfect preparation coming into the day and trainer Danny O’Brien knew what he was doing,” he said.
Watching from the grandstand was Mossman man and Lachlan’s cousin, Sam Walker, who said yesterday still feels like a dream.
“It was an amazing day and a privilege to be a part of it all,” he said.
“The family back home are over the moon. Mum hasn’t stopped crying and they were with him all the way.
“Those who knew my grandad, Dr Bob Lanskey, would know he would have been riding him home yesterday. One of the first things I heard after Vow came home was “can you imagine grandad right now” he would have loved every second of it,” he said.
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