Making the transition to electric vehicles

Two of the region’s most popular attractions, Hartley’s Crocodile Adventures and Mossman Gorge, will be front and centre at an electric vehicle (EV) tourism and industry event being staged by the Cairns Regional Council and Cairns Chamber of Commerce on Friday, November 22.
The event, at Council’s Civic Reception Rooms (Spence Street), will provide information on how businesses can make the transition to electric by test-driving an EV, viewing the latest EV models and talking to government and industry about how to make it happen.
Attendees can learn about the new Tropical North Queensland EV Drive project, featuring EV destination chargers at Skyrail, Hartley’s Crocodile Adventures, Mossman Gorge, Paronella Park, Herberton Historic Village and Coffee Works Mareeba installed by the State Government.
The project builds on the successful Electric Super Highway from Gold Coast to Cairns (including the fast charger at The Pier), making Far North Queensland a premier destination for EV drive tourism.
Cairns Mayor Bob Manning said there was no doubt electric vehicles will play an important role in the future of transportation.
“Students at the recent Cairns Youth Climate Summit want to see our streets lined with electric vehicles in the next decade, and already we have seen local businesses embark on their own transition to electric vehicles,” Cr Manning said.
“This is an exciting time as we welcome new and environmentally responsible technology and industry events such as this can play an important role in shaping our future transport needs.
“That is why we are encouraging businesses in the tourism sector, such as hire car companies, taxis, tour companies, fleet managers and private accommodation providers to attend,” he said.
11am-1pm: Electric vehicle showcase (open event): Test drive the new Nissan Leaf and View the latest electric vehicles including the Tesla 3, Capta Group electric bus, electric bikes and scooters. (This part of the event is open to the public and does not require registration).
1pm-3.30pm: Speakers and panel event (registrations required): Presentations and panel with Cairns Regional Council, Cairns Chamber of Commerce, Economic Development Queensland, Nissan Australia’s EV specialist, Ergon Energy, Intrust Group, Westco Motors and tourist businesses that have (or are making) the transition to electric vehicles.
Registrations can be made via Eventbrite.
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