Macrossan Street comes alive with its lighting celebration

The town has finally come alive with the shining of the lights on Macrossan Street.
In what locals and visitors alike are calling a “Lighting Celebration”, the LightUpPort project encompasses thousands of decorative fairy lights; 28,000 globes; and 2.4km of cables to illuminate the main street of Port Douglas.
Douglas Shire Mayor Julia Leu and Douglas Chamber of Commerce President Liz Ross flipped the switch on Friday night, lighting up nine trees.
Tom and Anna from Sydney, who arrived in town on Thursday, said the lights have made a significant difference to the main street.
“They look truly spectacular and as regular visitors to Port Douglas, we are delighted to have seen this initiative take off,” they said.
First mooted by the Douglas Chamber, its president Liz Ross said she was delighted the project had reached fruition.
“It has been a while in the making. But the result has been worth the wait for visitors, locals and more importantly, business,” she said.
Meanwhile, at a Chamber meeting earlier this month, Liz Ross was elected for a second term as president with Martin Tranter assuming the vice president’s role.
The Chamber has yet to finalise its full committee as the secretarial role has not been filled.
The current committee is:
- President: Elizabeth Ross, Managing Director, Far North Training & Consultancy
- Vice President: Martin Tranter, Solicitor, Bolt, Burchill & Tranter
- Treasurer: Judee Crothers, Accountant / Accounting by the Books
- Secretary: Position vacant
- Committee members:
- Brad Reilly, LiveLife Pharmacy
- Phoebe Kitto, HR Dynamics
- Wade Greasley, Niramaya Spa
- Karen Smith, Sanctuary Stays
- Tuza Davies / Sanctuary Stays
Check out the Light Up Port project below:

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