Local firies driving gift donations for kids in care this Christmas

The Port Douglas and Mossman Fire Stations are helping put a smile on children’s faces this Christmas by getting behind the Kids in Care Christmas Gift Donation Drive.
Local fire fighters are encouraging Douglas Shire residents to donate a gift for children in care who can't live with their own families this Christmas.
Acting Station Officer at the Port Douglas Fire and Rescue Station, Aeron Holzhauser, said Christmas can be a difficult time of year for children in care, so this initiative helps put an extra present under their tree.
“We are collecting donated gifts on behalf of the shire and anyone can get involved,” Ms Holzhauser said.
“People can drop gifts to the Port Douglas Station or if anyone can’t get into the station I am more than happy to go pick it up in my own time.
“Donations must be new, in original packaging, unwrapped and can range from anything suitable for a newborn up to an 18-year-old male or female,” she said.
Ms Holzhauser added the Queensland Government gift drive is chasing a target of 9,500 donated toys from across the state and hopes local residents can dig deep.
“I think a cause like this really hit homes for a lot of people, especially those with children. There are a lot of kids out there worse off than our own.
“I know if my child was being looked after by someone else I would want people to help them,” she said.
Acting Captain at the Port Douglas Fire and Rescue Station, Mark Pollard, said the gifts will go back to children from across Queensland including children in the Douglas Shire.
“It’s a pretty small thing to do that can make a big difference in a children’s lives,” he said.
The Station will continue collecting gifts for the Kids in Care Christmas Gift Donation Drive until December 1.
To donate, simply purchase a gift or gift card and drop it off at the Port Douglas Station between 9.00am and 4.00pm weekdays or contact Ms Holzhauser on 42133600 to arrange a pick-up.
Cash donations can also be made at givit.org.au/kidsincare
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