Level two water restrictions to be introduced across the Shire

Level two water restrictions will come into place across the Douglas Shire from tomorrow as water levels at the Rex Creek Intake rapidly decrease.
The Rex Creek Intake is the primary source of drinking water for the region supplying water to Port Douglas, Cooya Beach, Cassowary, Mowbray, Newell Beach, and Mossman.
Level 2 water restrictions will see new usage times for garden irrigation systems and sprinklers enforced while the use of irrigation systems on Monday’s will continue to be prohibited.
Douglas Shire Council Mayor Julia Leu said Council was encouraged by the downward trend in average daily water consumption across the Shire.
“The community have worked hard since level one water restrictions were introduced but we’re urging everyone – from tourists to locals, to resorts and holiday house owners – to continue to minimise their water usage,” she said.
“At this rate, level three restrictions are imminent so we are encouraging people to really think before turning on the tap.”
Changes to measures around external household cleaning, operation of water features and the cleaning of vehicles, boats, jet skis and trailers are all part of a stronger push to conserve water.
“Washing boats and cars on a grassed area and using trigger twist nozzles on hoses are simple ways to be water-wise around the home,” Mayor Leu said.
“The use of irrigation systems and sprinklers is still in place on alternate days but usage times have been reduced to just one hour in the morning and evening.
“Not using irrigation systems on a Monday allows Council’s new 20ML reservoir to recharge to build capacity,” she said.
Prior to level 1 water restrictions, the average daily water consumption for:
Mossman: 3.2 ML/day
Port Douglas: 10.6 ML/day
For comparison, after level 1 water restrictions were implemented the average daily water consumption for:
Mossman: 3 ML/day
Port Douglas: 9.4 ML/day
Level Two Restrictions:
Level two water restrictions limit the use of irrigation systems and sprinklers to between 6am to 7am and 6pm to 7pm on alternate days (see below).
• EVEN-numbered houses or not prescribed street number: Wednesday, Friday, Sunday
• ODD-numbered houses: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
• Irrigation systems are NOT permitted on Mondays.
Image curtesy of Trusty Joe.
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