It’s all about mo’s and mojitos this Movember at Salsa

Iconic Port Douglas restaurant, Salsa Bar and Grill, is getting behind Men’s health this month for Movember.
The team at Salsa Bar and Grill are growing their moustaches to raise money for Movember in a bid to create conversations around men’s health, in particular ditching the stigma surrounding mental health.
Since the movement began in 2003, the Movember Foundation has raised over $911 million for men’s prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health and suicide prevention.
Salsa are doing their bit with eight of the men on the team currently growing their moustaches, including Salsa co-owner and chef Bill Conway.
Mr Conway is calling on the public to get behind the cause by either donating directly via the Salsa website or by dropping into Salsa and enjoying a mojito as part of their Mojitos for Men’s Health Campaign.
“Salsa will donate $1 direct to the campaign from every mojito sold in the month of November,” he said.
“Our aim is to get everyone talking about men’s health, ditching the stigma associated with mental health and sparking conversation throughout the community.”
Salsa launched the Mojitos for Men’s Health Campaign on 1 November in the wake of high-profile industry deaths including international chef, Anthony Bourdain, and Australian chef, Jeremy Strode, who took their own lives after years of struggling with mental health.
Director and co-owner of Salsa Bar and Grill, Rhys Bawden said 75 per cent of suicide deaths in Australia are men.
“The statistics are alarming with one man taking his life every minute around the world,” Mr Bawden said.
“Something has got to change, so we’re trying to do our part.”
To support Salsa Bar and Grill in their Movember campaign donate via their website or call into Salsa for a mojito.
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